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6th cover sheet for development plan no. 181

Stand: 12.07.2024

- Mozartstraße -

Preparation of the 6th cover sheet for development plan no. 181 - Mozartstraße - with integrated green space plan and information of the public

The Environment, Transport and Planning Committee of the City of Erlangen decided in a public meeting on 26.07.2022 to draw up a development plan with an integrated green space plan for the area of Mozartstraße and Theodor-von-Zahn-Straße.

In accordance with Section 2 (1) sentence 2 of the German Building Code (BauGB), the decision to draw up the plan is hereby published in accordance with local practice.

The spatial area of application is shown in the site plan printed below. The map is based on the extract from the real estate cadastre from June 2024.

The 6th cover sheet for development plan no. 181 - Mozartstraße - is being drawn up in accordance with Section 13a BauGB using the accelerated procedure. Pursuant to Section 13 a (2) no. 1 BauGB in conjunction with Section 13 (3) sentence 1 BauGB, an environmental assessment pursuant to Section 2 (4) BauGB, the environmental report pursuant to Section 2 a BauGB, the information pursuant to Section 3 (2) sentence 2 BauGB on the types of environmental information available and the summary declaration pursuant to Section 10 (4) BauGB are not required; the monitoring of significant environmental impacts pursuant to Section 4 c BauGB does not apply.

The public will be informed about the general objectives and purposes as well as the main effects of the planning on Wednesday, 24.07.2024, at 19:00, in the city archive, ground floor reading room, Luitpoldstraße 45, 91052 Erlangen.

Note: The event room is accessible by elevator.

There will also be an opportunity to obtain information on the Internet from 12.07.2024 up to and including 26.07.2024.

Comments can be submitted during this period. These should be sent electronically to the e-mail address bauleitplanung@stadt.erlangen.de. If required, comments can also be submitted by other means.

In addition, there will be an opportunity to obtain information at the Office for Urban Planning and Mobility of the City of Erlangen (Gebbertstraße 1, 3rd floor) during opening hours (Mondays to Fridays, 9:00 - 12:00). For information outside this period and for information and advice, Mr. Joffroy is available by prior appointment (Tel. 09131 86-1371, Email: stefan.joffroy@stadt.erlangen.de).

Department of Urban Planning


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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