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What happened at the 4th Public Neighborhood Forum?

Stand: 28.05.2024

Insight into the work of the district workshop 56nord and the implementation status of the ISEK

The 4th Public District Forum took place on 21.11.23 and was again very well attended with around 50 guests. Stadtteil-Werkstatt 56nord hosted the evening and compiled a documentation for reading, which can be downloaded on this page.

The topics in brief:

  • Neighborhood manager Katja Eichinger from Stadtteil-Werkstatt 56nord presented the past and upcoming activities of Stadtteil-Werkstatt 56nord.

  • Mahl-Gebhard-Konzepte informed about the procedure for the planning workshop "Freiraum Neue Mitte".

  • Further information on the environmental lanes 'Am Europakanal', the crossing over the Bimbach and the development of the Büchenbach-Nord school site

  • Questions and topics and from participants.

Do you have a topic for the next district forum? - Please contact the district workshop: stadtteilwerkstatt@56nord.info

A short protocol and the complete documentation of the evening:

Urban renewal and urban design department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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