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Report changes to the floor area

Stand: 10.07.2024

The municipal drainage company draws attention to a regulation on construction contributions for the public drainage system.

Even for properties that were first developed before 1980 and for which a contribution has already been paid in accordance with older statute law, a further contribution may have to be paid. This is the case if the floor area changes. The extent of the extension is irrelevant. Smaller construction, conversion or extension measures can also lead to a new contribution payment.

The contribution rate is EUR 4.29 per square meter of floor area. The basis for the calculation is the maximum permitted floor area on the property. If this is exceeded, an additional contribution may be incurred.

In the interests of the contributors, the actual floor area as at January 1, 2013 is considered to have already been accounted for in the calculation. If more area has already been assessed and billed, even this higher area value is considered to have already been paid.

What owners need to do

For owners of properties in the city area, this means that the drainage company must be notified of all increases in floor space. This also applies to conversions and extensions on the property for which no approval is required under building law. This includes, for example

  • loft conversions
  • Erection of conservatories
  • Roofing over terraces, garages or carports.

The basis for the possible recalculation of the contribution is the contribution and fee statutes for the drainage statutes of the city of Erlangen (§ 6 Para. 2).

Good to know: Avoid sewer blockages

Wet wipe is pulled out of the box.

Dispose of wet wipes

Please dispose of cosmetic wipes and, if possible, moist toilet tissues in the residual waste and not in the toilet.

Two yellow construction site vehicles.

Sewer blockage: Storing building materials safely

The drainage company of the City of Erlangen repeatedly finds that large quantities of sand, gravel, lime and cement are washed into the sewer system during construction work on public roads and squares due to the inappropriate storage of building materials or the unfavorable position of construction machinery.

Processing of sewer construction contributions


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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