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Would you like to have professional qualifications recognized?

Stand: 28.05.2024

Did you learn a profession, study or graduate from school in your home country? Do you work here in a completely different profession or in a simple job? That doesn't have to be the case! Get advice here on how your certificates and qualifications can be recognized.

Free advice centers:

The staff at the Central Service Center for the Recognition of Foreign Qualifications (ZAQ) will help you and advise you free of charge. You can get advice regardless of whether you are already here or still living abroad. Advice is offered in the following languages German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Albanian.

Have your qualifications and certificates only been partially recognized? Then there is the additional offer of "Qualification advice and support". During this consultation, you will find out what you still need for full recognition. A plan is drawn up together and a suitable solution is worked out.


Education Center at the Nuremberg Education Campus
Central Service Center for the Development of Foreign Qualifications (ZAQ)

E-mail: anerkennungsberatung@stadt.nuernberg.de

Telephone advice: +49 (0)911 / 231-10552

Tuesday: 10:00 to 12:00

Thursday: 14:00 to 16:00

Further information: