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Are you new to Erlangen?

Stand: 28.05.2024

Would you like to get to know other immigrants or Germans? Would you like to continue practicing the German language? Would you like to do something together with others and meet regularly in a group?

Whether it's cooking together, playing sports, theater, music, singing, dancing, hiking or something else. You are sure to find an interesting group here. An interesting volunteer position is also waiting for you. You can meet other people and make new friends.

Be a part of it!

Overview of the various offers and groups

Erlangen has a large number of associations and groups, for example

  • Afghan women's group
  • Amnesty International
  • Ark Farm
  • BIG Women's Breakfast
  • BIPOC Initiative Erlangen
  • Cafe Asyl
  • German course for refugee mothers
  • The companions
  • Parents' café and many more

Here you can find the overview.