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Action 37 trees for Bethang

Stand: 24.06.2024

There is to be a tree for each of the 37 zip code districts in the cities of Nuremberg, Fürth and Erlangen. The last tree has now been planted for Erlangen.

On June 13, another tree was planted as part of the ongoing art campaign 37 trees for Bethang. The young oak tree is located on Nürnberger Straße, near the Stintzingstraße bus stop. The final ground-breaking ceremony and the first watering of the tree was carried out by artist Karsten Neumann together with Anne Reimann, head of the city's Department of Culture, Amely Deiss, head of the Kunstpalais as well as Christoph Kintopp and Norbert Pfundt from the City Green Department. Also present was the Erlangen materials scientist Norbert Kurr. He has accompanied and supported Karsten Neumann's artistic process for many years.

What is bethang?

In the early 2000s, Nuremberg concept and performance artist Karsten Neumann created his art city Bethang. Not only in name, but also conceptually, NürnBErg, FürTH and ErlANGen merge into a single entity in Bethang. Since then, the Würzburg-born artist has made it his mission to allow the three cities to grow together both aesthetically and intellectually. In 2005, for example, he laid out a carpet of flowering meadows around the town. This was followed eight years later by a hiking trail that circles the outer borders of Nuremberg, Fürth and Erlangen. Thanks to official markings, it has been possible to hike along it since 2018.

What is it about?

There will be a publicly accessible tree for each of Bethang's 37 zip code districts - Nuremberg 28, Fürth 5, Erlangen 4. The trees will be financed by the sale of 37 illuminated canisters made from plastic waste, which the artist made especially for the project. The purchase price of each artwork includes a donation to the green space authority of the respective city. This covers the cost of planting a tree.

Where are the trees?

In Erlangen they can be found

  • in the recreational area in Dompfaffstraße
  • in the sculpture garden on the Wied in Tennenlohe
  • on the Catholic church square
  • in Nürnberger Straße, near the Stintzingstraße bus stop.

Menschen stehen um einen gepfanzten Baum.
From left to right: Karsten Neumann, Norbert Kurr, Christoph Kintopp, Anne Reimann, Norbert Pfundt,
Amely Deiss,

Photo: Malte Lin-Kröger

Department of Fine Arts, Kunstpalais and Municipal Collection


Marktplatz 1
91054 Erlangen