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What topics are we working on?

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Advisory Board works on a wide range of topics. Here is an overview of the most important topics:

At our plenary meeting on April 18, 2024, we dealt with the following topics:

We invited the Nuremberg Integration Council. We want to promote mutual exchange and learn from each other.

We discussed various issues with the management of the Jobcenter . It was about the processing time for applications and the availability of employees. We are accepting the job center's offer and will enter into a direct exchange with the stakeholders involved in a timely manner in order to discuss specific suggestions and topics.

The policy working group is currently addressing the following topics:

  • Right-wing extremism in Germany
  • The idea of a humanitarian town twinning with Bihac in Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Migration policy in Bavaria
  • Current topics of the Immigration Office

The following topics were discussed in the education and work working group:

  • Planned events for women on starting a career and labor rights
  • Planned series of events with the Federal Employment Agency
  • Exchange with job centers on offers specifically for immigrant women
  • Spatial situation at the Pestalozzi School and support for children from the district

The culture and social affairs working group wants to deal with health issues. Furthermore, an event on the diversity of India is planned as part of the program of the same name.

The public relations working group discussed social media topics and the information stand for the town hall open day on 27.04.24.

Are you interested in the work of the advisory board and would like more information? Please contact the office on 09131/ 86-1338 or at auslaenderbeirat@stadt.erlangen.de.

Foreigners' and Integration Advisory Council Office


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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