Wichtiger Hinweis
What topics are we working on?
Stand: 11.02.2025
The Advisory Board dealt with the following topics at its last meeting on February 6:
The advisory board has passed two urgent motions:
"The Foreigners' and Integration Advisory Council calls on the city administration to provide information on school transfer in accordance with the Bamberg City Council's educational guide for transfer in at least English, Turkish, Romanian, Polish, Russian, Arabic and Italian as well as in plain language. It should also refer to the possibility of transferring to business schools. The advisory board asks the city to make the information available to parents via the schools and the city of Erlangen's website in good time before the 2025 transfer."
Parents with a non-German background should be empowered to fully understand the system of transferring to a secondary school and the associated requirements and options and be able to make informed decisions for their child - even if they do not have the opportunity to attend an information evening organized by the Office for Intercultural Parent Work. Information on the individual information events can be found in the official pages of the City of Erlangen dated 16.01.25, as well as information on free transportation to school.
"The city council parties are asked to prioritize youth social worker positions at schools in the current budget negotiations and to plan and approve the positions in the next staffing plan according to the need for youth social workers reported by the schools.
The advisory board has been informed by several elementary school that the need for youth social workers is very high and is not covered by the city of Erlangen. However, the socio-educational counseling and development work of youth social workers is very important for the healthy development of children and young people. In contrast, all requested positions are to be included and filled in the 2026 job plan in accordance with the expansion plan for youth social workers adopted by the city council in April 2022."
The policy working group is currently addressing the following topics
- Political mood in Germany
- Weeks against racism
The Education and Work working group is currently discussing the following topics
- Multilingual information on the topic of transferring to secondary schools in Erlangen
- Planned events for women on the topic of career entry and labor rights on 8.4.25 in the town hall.
- Conclusion from the exchange with the elementary school
- Optimized learning support
- Mother Tongue Day 2025: The Advisory Board invites interested parties to the film "One Day in Europe" at the E-Werk on 19.02.25.
The Culture and Social Affairs working group is organizing a panel discussion on International Women's Day 2025: On 21.03.25 at 19:30, Muslim women will discuss the topic of women's rights in Islam at the VHS.
The public relations working group is dealing with the topic of promoting democracy.
Are you interested in the work of the Advisory Board and would like more information? Please contact the office on 09131/ 86-1338 or at auslaenderbeirat@stadt.erlangen.de.