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Forum for people with disabilities

Stand: 17.07.2024

Focus of the work:

  • Removal of barriers and full participation of all people in the areas of transport, business, leisure, education, housing, health, culture, sport and social affairs
  • Bridge from accessibility to a climate-neutral and sustainable city of Erlangen
  • Exchange with network partners, development of new networks, establishment of cooperations, collection of solutions with regard to the above-mentioned topics
  • Presentation of these solutions in e.g. lectures, press events and public letters.
  • "Accessibility in the healthcare system" and "Healthcare for people with disabilities" (triage, shortage of specialists) as well as the transformation process towards a barrier-free and climate-neutral city
  • Accessibility in public transport, a climate-neutral city center and support for single parents.

The members of the forum come from social institutions, disability organizations, self-help groups and self-advocates, the business community, the university sector, the real estate industry, tourism and the city administration, as well as beyond the city limits. The forum is open to anyone who is interested in the topic of "participation" in terms of accessibility and sustainability and wants to actively contribute.

Forum meetings address issues such as barriers in public transport and work together on solutions to prevent the exclusion of people with disabilities and other participation restrictions (e.g. poverty) on public transport.

Meetings: four meetings per year on the premises of ZSL e.V. Appointment request via the Sustainability Advisory Board office