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Adjustment of work regulations for international students

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Foreigners' and Integration Advisory Council of the City of Erlangen has lobbied the Federal Immigration and Integration Council e.V. on behalf of foreign students. Subsequently, the working time regulations for international students were adapted to the regulations that apply to German students.

This has made it easier for international students to finance their studies through a part-time job. Foreign students are often dependent on a part-time job in order to finance the cost of living in Germany. This is particularly important if they come from countries with significantly lower purchasing power than in Germany. A part-time job can often also provide students with relevant knowledge for their studies and future career, as well as improving their language skills. Until then, working hours for foreign students (from third countries) were limited to 120 days per year.

As foreign students are often dependent on a part-time job in order to finance the cost of living in Germany, we felt that the 120-day limit was an unnecessary hindrance.