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Response to 1. accumulation of waste on the ESTW property (...)

Stand: 28.05.2024

1. accumulation of garbage on the ESTW property (Hartmannstraße 100)

Garbage and garbage is repeatedly deposited next to a clothing container on the grounds of the ESTW building. Is it possible to redesign the building to prevent the garbage from being deposited or to put up a sign?

Answer: The City Greenery, Waste Management and Street Cleaning Department:
Waste Management has also noticed that waste is sometimes deposited in the area of the used clothing container at the transformer station.
We then checked the location and discovered that the entire site does not belong to Erlanger Stadtwerke, but is in fact owned by Gewobau Erlangen.
As the owner of the land, Gewobau is therefore responsible for measures to prevent dumping etc.
We will therefore be happy to pass on your request to Gewobau Erlangen in anonymized form.