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Response to 5. installation of garbage cans along the (...)

Stand: 28.05.2024

5. installation of garbage cans along the parade ground

The citizens would like to see waste garbage cans installed around the parade ground, especially for the disposal of dog waste. Bins for disposing of the bags should also be placed under the dog waste bag dispensers.

Response from the City Greenery, Waste Management and Street Cleaning Department:
The background to the removal of the garbage cans was a restructuring and rearrangement of the litter garbage cans in the Röthelheimpark and Exerzierplatz green corridor area. The equipment was arranged as it is now. Numerous litter garbage cans were installed along the Martin-Luther-King-Weg, as well as at the information pavilion and in the area of the slope slide at Obi, which are also intended for the disposal of dog bags. These are emptied regularly by our employees.
Three employees are permanently assigned to the entire city area, who are solely responsible for emptying waste garbage cans and cleaning the green areas. In the summer months, additional external companies are contracted to take care of this work. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to install any more litter garbage cans as we do not have the manpower to empty them regularly. Our colleagues are working at full capacity.
Only the northern area of the green corridor is being mowed. The background to this is that this green space is to be made available to citizens for free use.
The southern parts were classified as sandy grassland in the urban biotope mapping. Sandy grassland as a plant community is protected under the Bavarian Nature Conservation Act and is strengthened by the currently prevailing mowing regime.
It is therefore not possible to adapt the forms of maintenance on the various sections of Röthelheimpark, as this would destroy the plant community that has developed over the years. In addition, according to the Environment Agency, these sections of the green corridor also act as a buffer area towards the Exerzierplatz nature reserve.
