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Response to 6. greening of the A73 highway slope between Weinstr. (...)

Stand: 28.05.2024

Citizens' meeting Eltersdorf 12.10.2022

6. greening of the A73 freeway slope between Weinstrasse / Pechmannstrasse

The freeway slope is insufficiently greened. As no feedback has been received from the highway authorities, it is suggested that an initiative be set up.

Opinion of the Eigenbetrieb für Stadtgrün, Abfallwirtschaft und Straßenreinigung - Abteilung Stadtgrün - Planung / Neubau:
The area is the responsibility of Autobahn GmbH des Bundes - Niederlassung Nordbayern.
We have contacted the people responsible there. We were informed that the delayed growth of vegetation on the embankments was known. The dry summer contributed to this. Seeding with Regio seed mixtures also usually takes a few years for the full range of species to develop.
The federal government's Autobahn GmbH has already made improvements and has planned further improvements for next spring. It will not be possible to assess the result until next year. Residents are asked for their understanding and patience.