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Response to 7. greening of the "Mausloch" highway

Stand: 28.05.2024

Citizens' meeting Eltersdorf 12.10.2022

7. greening of the "Mausloch" highway

According to the site manager of the highway directorate, the highway directorate offered the city of Erlangen a greening in the area of the Mausloch / Weinstraße, but the city of Erlangen rejected this offer.

Statement from the City of Erlangen's own greenery, waste management and street cleaning company - Urban Greenery Department - Planning / New Construction:
The area is the responsibility of Autobahn GmbH des Bundes - Niederlassung Nordbayern and is being landscaped by them.
We have contacted the people responsible there. We were informed that the embankments are known to have delayed vegetation growth. Among other things, this is attributed to the dry summer and the sowing of Regio seed mixtures, which usually take several years for the full range of species to develop.
Autobahn GmbH des Bundes has already carried out improvements on the embankment cones at the Mausloch underpass and the wine route. The results will only become apparent next year. Residents are asked for their understanding and patience.