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Working groups of the Seniors' Advisory Council

Stand: 28.05.2024

Four working groups, their priorities and dates

The Senior Citizens' Advisory Council has five working groups in the 2021-2024 term of office, which deal with various topics. These are

- WG 1 "Social participation and accessibility" (Spokesperson: Elisabeth Paulus)
- WG 2 "Mobility and transport" (spokesperson: Karl-Heinz Bauer)
- WG 3 "Care and health" (Spokesperson: Petra Mahr)
- WG 4 "Living in old age / communal living" (Spokesperson: Dinah Radtke)
- WG 5 "Public relations and networking" (Astrid Schreiter).

Enclosed is an overview of the focal points that are currently being dealt with in the working groups:

WG 1 "Social participation and accessibility":
- Digitalization: opportunities and disadvantages for older people.

Dates: still open.

WG 2 "Mobility and transport":
- VGN status and accessibility pricing
- Disabled parking spaces
- Follow-up of applications from the traffic development plan.

Dates: still open.

WG 3 "Care and health":
- Being and staying healthy - promoting health in old age
- Care topics from outpatient services to co-payments by care insurance funds, insofar as the Seniors' Advisory Council has influence and scope for action and can exert political influence;
- Municipal strategies in the area of health and care - cooperation with the administration and politics.

Dates: September 14, November 30 at 2:30-4:00 p.m. in Dreycedern.

WG 4 "Living in old age / communal living":
- Search for alternative housing options for older people, such as intergenerational housing, senior living communities
- climate-neutral and ecological housing options, etc., in order to discuss which options can be implemented in the city of Erlangen.

Dates: October 16 at 3 p.m. in the town hall.

WG 5 "Public relations and networking":

Dates: September 12.

All members and deputies can take part in the meetings of the working groups.