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Audio guide "Erlangen women on the move"

Stand: 28.05.2024

Digital city tour on the history and present of women in Erlangen.

The social and political commitment of women has been indispensable in the history of Erlangen. This must be honored! The digital audio tour conveys basic and unknown women's history from the Huguenot city to the end of the 20th century. Due to an often male-dominated view, many of these aspects remained unknown for a long time.

Let yourself be guided through Erlangen's "women's history" in this audio guide tour and follow in the footsteps of geniuses such as mathematician Emmy Noether or personalities such as Margravine Sophie Caroline of Brandenburg-Bayreuth.

To the audio guide

All audio files can also be downloaded as MP3s from www.erlangen.tomis.mobi.

The audio guide was developed by historian Nadja Bennewitz on behalf of the city of Erlangen. It is available free of charge from the Erlangen Tourism and Marketing Association.

4th highlight tour

Dial 089 210 833 056 1 + the desired code number

01 The equal opportunities officers in conversation
02 A meeting place for the Erlangen women's movement (Women's Center in the Gerberei 4)
03 Refugees and religious freedom (Hugenottenplatz)
04 "The most important genius": Emmy Noether (Hauptstraße 23)
05 Women's suffrage and the first female city councillors (Old Town Hall in the Stutterheim Palace at Markplatz 1)
06 A Turkish woman from Erlangen tells how she became a native (Markplatz)
07 "A most witty lady": Margravine Sophie Caroline (The Margrave's Palace on Schlossplatz)
08 French flair and learned governesses (Heuwaagstraße/Goethestraße)
09 Meeting place of the proletarian women's movement (Zum Goldenen Hecht, Glockenstraße 8)
10 The city's first principal Elise Spaeth and the "Frauenwohl" association (Loschgeschule, Turnstraße 8)
11 Men and fashion trends (Hugenottenbrunnen fountain in the palace garden)
12 Women scientists at the Friedrich-Alexander University, FAU for short (Kollegienhaus in the Schlossgarten)

5 Main tour

Dial 089 210 833 055 1 + the desired code number

01 The equal opportunities officers in conversation
02 A
meeting place of the Erlangen women's movement (Women's Center in the Gerberei 4)
03 Refugees
and religious freedom (Hugenottenplatz)
04 "
The most significant genius": Emmy Noether (Hauptstraße 23)
05 Women's suffrage
and the first female city councillors (Altes Rathaus im Stutterheimschen Palais am Markplatz 1)
06 A
Turkish Erlangen woman tells how she became a native (Markplatz)
07 "
A most witty lady": Margravine Sophie Caroline (The Margrave's Palace on Schlossplatz)
08 French
flair and learned governesses (Heuwaagstraße/Goethestraße)
Meeting place of the proletarian women's movement (Zum Goldenen Hecht, Glockenstraße 8)
The city's first principal Elise Spaeth and the "Frauenwohl" association (Loschgeschule, Turnstraße 8)
11 Men
and fashion trends (Hugenottenbrunnen in the Schlossgarten)
12 Female academics
at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, FAU for short (Kollegienhaus in the Schlossgarten)
13 Female students at FAU (Kollegienhaus at Universitätsstraße 15)
14 Margravine Wilhelmine of Bayreuth and her precious book donation (Old University Library at Universitätsstraße 15)
15 The professor's wife Luise Rückert (Egloffstein Palace, Friedrichstrasse 17)
16 Higher education for girls (Lynckersche Palais, Friedrichstraße 35)
17 The working couple must stand together in the trade (small houses at Krankenhausstraße 5-7)
18 Gynaecology as an academic "male discipline" (Women's Clinic, Universitätsstraße 21-23)
19 Women's work at Siemens (Reiniger, Gebbert and Schall)
20 Women with disabilities and feminism (Center for Self-Determined Living, Luitpoldstraße 42/44)
21 Forced laborers in Erlangen (memorial plaque at Luitpoldstr. 45)