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Launch of the Startchance kita.digital campaign in Erlangen

Stand: 28.06.2024

The "Startchance kita.digital" campaign is a training initiative to promote digital skills in daycare centers.

On Friday, September 29, 2023, the kick-off event for the "Startchance kita.digital" campaign of the Bavarian State Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Affairs with the State Institute for Early Education and Media Competence took place in the Erlangen City Council Hall. As part of the campaign, the educational staff in the daycare centers are to be trained to professionally design digital education processes with children, with the involvement of parents.
Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik opened the event with a warm welcome address. He emphasized the importance of the world in which children live, which not only consists of experiences at home, in the playground or in nature, but nowadays also includes the digital world. This must be given equal consideration. Bavaria's Minister for Family Affairs Ulrike Scharf joined the event with a video greeting.

Special thanks went to Mr. Klaus Lutz, the digital coach, who provided significant support for the organization and implementation of the project as well as the upcoming training days.

During a round of introductions, the daycare centers reported on their previous experiences with digital learning content, although not all facilities already have tablets. Mr. Lutz emphasized the importance of joint dialogue in the daycare teams and encouraged that every attitude - from rejection and scepticism to enthusiasm - should find its place.

With a twinkle in his eye, Klaus Lutz brought in examples from parents' lives today and illustrated how the use of digital media has changed over the generations. "Previous generations had a child first and then a cell phone, today's young parents had a cell phone first and then a child," he noted, without making a judgment.

The participants from the six daycare centers were enthusiastic about the project and are looking forward to the upcoming training days in October. The importance of using digital media and software in daycare centers is constantly growing, as children need to acquire basic technical skills and basic media knowledge. The training courses offered by the "Startchance kita.digital" campaign provide them with the best possible preparation for using digital technologies in daycare centers. A promising start for the "Startchance kita.digital" campaign in Erlangen.

Further information on the campaign: https://www.kita-digital-bayern.de/kampagne/