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Distribution points for yellow bags

Stand: 28.05.2024

When and how do you get yellow bags in Erlangen?

Distribution to all households once a year

The waste disposal company is contractually obliged to distribute at least 24 yellow bags once a year to every household that does not have a yellow container. This is done by a private distribution service, which carries out this distribution in November-December on behalf of the waste disposal company for the following year.

Distribution points for yellow bags in the city area

If yellow bags are needed independently of the distribution, there are numerous distribution points in Erlangen that keep rolls ready all year round and hand them out (in normal household quantities!). An up-to-date and complete list of these collection points can be found in the annual collection schedule distributed to all households in Erlangen at the turn of the year. These are currently

  • Friedrich Hofmann GmbH, Frauenauracher Straße 73, 91056 Erlangen
  • City of Erlangen:
    • Environmental and waste advisory service, Schuhstraße 40, ground floor, room 010 (the small town hall is currently not open to the public, please use the in-house telephone)
    • Bürgeramt im Rathaus, Rathausplatz 1, information desk in the foyer (Note on access restrictions during the pandemic: if you only want to collect yellow bags from the town hall, you do not have to queue. Go directly to the gatekeeper on the right-hand side of the main entrance - you will receive a roll there without having to wait)
  • DHB - Netzwerk Haushalt, Berufsverband der Haushaltsführenden e.V. (formerly: Deutscher Hausfrauenbund e. V.) in the Altstadtmarkt, Hauptstraße 55
  • GGFA social department store, Alfred-Wegener Straße 11

If more yellow bags than the "normal household quantities" are required at a particular location, the need should be clarified in a direct discussion with the disposal company and these should then be obtained directly from them. You can reach the disposal company on 09131 79 61 0.