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Building Culture Prize 2024

Stand: 10.07.2024

We are looking for the best buildings in the city of Erlangen from the last two years. The call goes out to all architects and clients.


As a reflection of the social, cultural, political and economic history - of the city as well as the region - buildings shape the appearance and image of a city for years and centuries. They have an identity-forming effect; building culture and building tradition give a society stability and solidarity.

The image of the city is constantly changing in line with the constantly changing framework conditions and challenges, such as legal regulations or individual and social influences. The process of identity formation is never complete. In addition to preserving the architectural heritage, it is therefore an urgent task for a city to raise public awareness of high-quality new, contemporary architecture that blends into the established context or reinterprets or accentuates it. Conflicts and discussions that arise can certainly be fruitful, support awareness-raising and sharpen the perception of the everyday.

What is honored with the Baukultur Award?

Buildings and their responsible owners who are particularly aware of their

  • their appreciation of urban integration and a special architectural and open space design as well as, from an ecological point of view, the overall social goal of climate protection and
  • are therefore also convincing due to their special local justice.

The Baukultur Prize awarded by the City of Erlangen is intended to recognize exemplary solutions to building tasks using contemporary architecture that are characterized by

  • aesthetic
  • ecological and
  • economic

sustainability. On the one hand, this includes successful integration into the urban or listed context. On the other hand, it also includes solitary buildings or open space designs that are outstanding in terms of design, technology or ecology.

Which buildings are eligible for the prize and who is the call for entries aimed at?

The Baukultur Prize can be awarded

  • for a building such as a new building, conversion, extension
  • a group of buildings or
  • an urban development or open space facility

be awarded. In addition, any type of building and use is permitted. We are looking for the best buildings in the city of Erlangen from the last two years. The call goes out to all architects and developers.

Who can apply?

Eligible applicants are

  • Building owners
  • architects
  • urban planners and
  • landscape architects

of a project. The applicants can also act as a consortium and apply together. Architects and their private or public clients are eligible to participate. The clients will be informed of the competition by the architects. Participation without the consent of the client is not possible. The number of works submitted by the participants is unlimited.

What are the time and location requirements?

The award procedure is open to buildings that

  • were completed in the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023 and
  • are located in the area of the city of Erlangen.

You can download documents for the competition here: Baukultur Award 2024

When is the application deadline?

The competition opens on May 29, 2024 and applications can be submitted until September 12, 2024.


City of Erlangen
Department for Planning and Building
Management of the Architecture Advisory Board

Telephone: 09131/86-1068 or - 1003
Fax: 09131/86 1011
E-MAIL: baukulturpreis@stadt.erlangen.de

Post: Rathausplatz 1 - 91052 Erlangen
Office: Gebbertstraße 1, 2nd floor, room 222
91052 Erlangen
Web: http://www.erlangen.de

Award documents for the Erlangen 2024 Baukultur Prize