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Building Culture Award Erlangen 2022

Stand: 28.05.2024

The award honors buildings that have made a special contribution in terms of their urban integration, ecological ecological aspects, architectural and open space design and climate protection, and which also stand out for their and from the point of view of climate protection.

As a reflection of political, social, cultural and economic history, the buildings
shape the appearance and image of a city and have an identity-forming effect. In line with
the changing framework conditions and tasks, the image of the city is constantly changing and the process of
and the process of identity formation is never complete.

In addition to preserving its architectural heritage, it is therefore a city's primary task to
to raise public awareness of high-quality new, contemporary architecture,
that blends into the established context or reinterprets or accentuates it.

The aim is to award prizes for exemplary solutions to building tasks using contemporary architecture that are characterized not only by aesthetic, but also by ecological and economic sustainability.

The award ceremony took place on Monday, July 4, 2022 at 11 a.m. in the Kultursaal, Gebbertstraße 1 in Erlangen with Lord Mayor Florian Janik, Planning and Building Officer Josef Weber, the Chairman of the Baukunstbeirat and jury of the Baukulturpreis Professor Manuel Bäumler and the representatives of the submitted objects.

All submitted objects can be seen in an exhibition from 04.07. - 18.07.2022 in the Kultursaal, Gebbertstraße 1, 91054 Erlangen.

The jury has awarded 1 prize and 2 commendations.

The Erlangen 2022 Baukultur Prize will be awarded to the student housing complex on the South Campus in Erlangen.

Congratulations to the architects karlundp Munich, the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg as the client, represented today by Mr. Meier and the planning participants TOPOS Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung Stadtforschung Berlin as well as the specialist engineering offices involved in the construction and the trades.

Recognition goes to "New construction of a residential building for pastoral staff" in Erlangen-Büchenbach.

Recognition goes to "Wohnen in der Altstadt", multi-family residential complex on the Wassermann site, Erlangen.

12 projects were submitted.

The spectrum ranges from listed conversions to contemporary new builds.
Overall, the entries show a cross-section of the diverse development of the city in terms of architecture and open space planning.

The prize consists of a plaque by the artist Sabine Straub from Munich, which is attached to the winning building. The object is honored, and the client and planner also receive certificates.

You can request the brochure with all participants from the e-mail below.


City of ErlangenDepartment for Planning and Building
Management Baukunstbeirat

PHONE: 09131/86-10 68
FAX: 09131/86 10 35
EMAIL: baukulturpreis@stadt.erlangen.de

Post: Rathausplatz 1 - 91052 Erlangen
Office: Gebbertstraße 1, 2nd floor, room 222
91052 Erlangen
Web: http://www.erlangen.de