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Inclusion advice center at the State Education Authority (BIS)

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Inclusion Advice Center in the Erlangen / Erlangen-Höchstadt school district (BIS) provides advice on all school-related issues in the context of inclusion. The counseling services range from pre-school to school to the transition to working life.

The task of the advice center is to inform those seeking advice about regional offers and to provide assistance with the implementation of inclusive schooling and support options.

Counseling topics and services

  • (Early) childhood education / support
  • Learning difficulties
  • Dropping out of school
  • School-leaving qualifications / school career issues
  • Paths after school
  • Inclusion

Further information and contact:

Erlangen State Education Authority

Inclusion Advice Center at the State Education Authority (BIS)

Michael-Vogel-Straße 1 d

91052 Erlangen

Phone: 09131 400073

E-mail: beratung.inklusion@schulamt-er-erh.de