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Childcare services bookable during the summer vacations

Stand: 14.06.2024

The program also has something for pre-school children.

For the summer vacations, the team from the Children's Culture Office at the city's Department of Culture has once again put together some weekly childcare offers:

  • For children of primary school age and above, there is the Nature Adventure Week, "Living like the tribal peoples", a wilderness week and the forest detectives, as well as the popular Simson-unterwegs weeks with many different excursions and the YMCA adventure week.
  • Slightly older children will certainly get their money's worth at the food camp organized by the Stadtjugendring or the YMCA's youth sports week. The "Detectives wanted" summer camp run by the Free Evangelical Church and the two Blockhelden childcare weeks are new to the program.

Further information and bookings are now available at ferienprogramm-erlangen.de (external link).

Children's culture office

The children's culture office has various offers for you in the areas of children's theater and children's cultural events, as well as a colorful vacation program in the Easter and summer vacations. Tips for excursions, games and handicrafts and an overview of upcoming bazaars in the region round off our offer. Just check our homepage regularly!


Stintzingstraße 46
91052 Erlangen


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