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Power failure: What to do?

Stand: 28.06.2024

Private provision is important. But what exactly do you need to do? Find out here.

The German electricity grid is considered to be very stable. Power outages are comparatively rare and usually only affect limited areas. Nevertheless, various events also show that critical infrastructures are vulnerable. A localized heavy rainfall or a severe storm can trigger power outages.

Power outages are usually rectified within a few hours. In emergency situations, however, it can take days for the power to be restored. This is when private provision is important. Once an emergency has occurred, it is usually too late to take precautionary measures. Think about people in your area who need your help!

We have compiled important information on precautionary measures for you in an information flyer. It also contains an overview map with contact points where you can make emergency calls or obtain information during a power cut, for example. The flyer was distributed to all households in Erlangen.

Overview map of the contact points in the city districts:

Many information media such as the Internet or television are disrupted during a widespread power outage. Information is then available at various contact points in the city districts.

Prolonged power outage in Erlangen - Frequently asked questions

Power outage in Erlangen - Information in easy language


Long power outage in Erlangen (easy language)

Power outages are very rare in Germany. Power outages usually only occur in small areas.