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BR shows "The mountain is calling!"

Stand: 28.05.2024

A movie about the "5th season".

The Bergkirchweih lasts 12 days. The "Berch", as the people of Erlangen call it, is considered one of the most cozy, oldest and most popular beer festivals in Bavaria and dates back to 1755. A Whitsun market, a marksmen's festival and the consecration of the Altstädter Dreifaltigkeitskirche church were combined - the mixture of church consecration and folk festival was born.

A team from Bayerischer Rundfunk filmed in front of and behind the scenes at the Bergkirchweih in 2023. The almost 45-minute report was shown on Whitsunday, May 19, 2024, in the series "Unter unserem Himmel" on BR television. It is currently available in the ARD media library.

Around the Bergkirchweih

Gingerbread hearts held high
Page, Topic page, Mountain, Berch, Bergkirchweih, Kerwa, Firm, Beer festival, Beer

Erlangen Bergkirchweih

"The mountain is calling" - see you again from June 5 to 16, 2025.