Wichtiger Hinweis
Citizens' assembly
Stand: 24.02.2025
With the Citizens' Assembly, the Equal Opportunities Office has created a format in which women* can voice their (specific) concerns and questions for the city of Erlangen.
What's not going so well for women in Erlangen? Where is there a lack of childcare facilities? In which streets is there a lack of adequate lighting? What services and advice do women* need? How can we promote women's and girls' health? How can we ensure equal pay for work of equal value?
A space for your voice - a dialog among women
The Citizens' Assembly offers a space to talk to other women about what concerns you. You will meet female representatives from the city administration. Together we create an atmosphere of trust in which your issues and ideas are heard. No matter what it's about: your opinion counts and we want to hear it.
Accessibility - so that everyone can participate
Do you need special support, sign language interpretation, an induction system or similar? No problem. Get in touch with us as soon as possible. We will make sure that you can take part in the meeting without any difficulties.
Bring in your concerns - also possible in advance
You can submit your topics before the meeting using our online form (see below). All contributions will be considered at the meeting.
We look forward to your contribution!
Further information
The next Citizens' Assembly will take place on 26.03.2025 at 5 pm in the Council Chamber (Town Hall, 1st floor).
Mayor Dr. Florian Janik, the speakers Anke Steinert-Neuwirth and Sabine Bock together with the Equal Opportunities Office will answer your questions.
Childcare (from 3 years) is provided! Please register your requirements in advance, stating the age of the child, using the form (coming soon) or directly to gleichstellungsstelle@stadt.erlangen.de
Short presentation: Love your money!
Since equality is also always a question of money on an individual level, we would like to motivate you to tackle the topic with an inspiring short lecture: "Love your money: Finances for women" by the "finance mom" Marisa Kleinmann.
We think inclusively and intersectionally. That is why we work specifically to counteract structural disadvantage. This also includes including people with multiple disadvantages in our gender equality work. In addition to women, queer people are also a disadvantaged group in terms of gender relations in our society and sometimes have different needs than the majority. The city of Erlangen should be a place worth living in for all people.
For this reason, we would like to explicitly invite trans* women and queer people to the citizens' assembly. They should have the space to actively participate and make their voices heard.
If you have any questions in this regard, please contact the Equal Opportunities Office and the Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity.
Lord Mayor Dr. Florian Janik welcomes the citizens present to the citizens' assembly and introduces the leaders of the assembly, Sabine Bock, Head of the Department for the Environment and Climate Protection, and Dr. Birgit Marenbach, Chairwoman of the Green List Erlangen.
Dr. Birgit Marenbach and Sabine Bock took the floor, welcomed those present and then referred to the general rules of procedure. Dr. Birgit Marenbach reports that recommendations and concerns from citizens are dealt with within three months by the City Council, the committee or, in the case of ongoing matters, by the administration, depending on the responsibility.
Finally, those present on the podium - Equal Opportunities Officer Christina Nießen-Straube, Head of Department for Child Daycare in Mainstream Facilities and Child Daycare Sandra Ebersberger and Equal Opportunities Officer Gesine Gumann (minutes) - introduce themselves and explain their respective areas of responsibility.
At 8:09 p.m. Sabine Bock gives the floor to the citizens for their concerns and motions.
1. the Istanbul Convention
The Istanbul Convention has not yet been implemented in many areas.
Equal Opportunities Officer, Christina Nießen-Straube:
It is hoped that the nationwide Violence Assistance Act will provide a right to protection and counseling. The city of Erlangen is currently trying to set up a threat management system in the city administration.
In addition, work is currently being carried out throughout Middle Franconia to secure evidence confidentially.
The proposal to set up a committee to implement the Istanbul Convention is supported.
Chairwoman of the Erlangen Green List, Dr. Marenbach:
The film of the International Women's Group Erlangen will be made available and a contact to the International Women's Group Erlangen will be established. (Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRDtt757zY0&list=PLO8JRsWxI3iCMy5QQtINxE1pGZmhnYWh5)
The Istanbul Convention should be implemented in all municipal departments. The city should disseminate the Erlangen International Women's Group's film on the Istanbul Convention in a supportive manner and create a committee in which all stakeholders meet every six months to implement the Istanbul Convention.
The motion was put to the vote and passed by a majority.
2. off-peak hours and emergency care
Two or more daycare centers should offer care during off-peak hours (before 7.30 a.m. and after 4 p.m.). There should be more emergency care in elementary school from 11.15 am. Can parents or volunteers take over emergency care? The results should also be passed on to the Center for Single Parents Grünes S.O.f.A. e.V.
Head of department for child day care in regular facilities and child day care, Ms. Ebersberger:
In the municipal school child facilities, emergency care cannot be offered from 11.15 a.m. because these have a fixed operating license for a certain number of children in accordance with the Bavarian Child Education and Care Act. Such care may be possible in facilities that are not bound by BayKiBiG regulations. School childcare will be expanded by 2026.
In daycare centers, opening hours are determined according to demand and depending on staffing levels.
Parents and volunteers can help out, but in BayKiBiG facilities this has no effect on the statutory staffing ratio, which should be adhered to in childcare.
The City Council should deal with off-peak times and emergency care in daycare centers and elementary school from 11.15 am.
The motion is put to the vote and passed by a majority.
3. safe crossings at Erlangen main station
There is no safe route from Bahnhofsplatz across Goethestraße. It is proposed that a crosswalk or traffic lights be installed on both sides of the station.
Chairwoman of the Erlangen Green Party, Dr. Marenbach:
The situation on Goethestraße has been known for many years, but no solution has yet been found. Elsewhere, an application for a crosswalk was rejected by the planning authority on the grounds that it would only pretend to be safe.
Two safe crosswalks should be created at the station on Goethestrasse, for example by means of push lights or crosswalks.
The motion is put to the vote and approved by a majority.
4. cycle path on Dechsendorfer Damm/Sankt Johann
The cycle path on Dechsendorfer Damm is narrow and difficult to cycle on.
The south side of Sankt Johann Street from Killingerstraße to Möhrendorfer Straße should be made accessible to bicycles. A cycle path should be created there in both directions, which is marked and signposted.
The motion was put to the vote and approved by a majority.
5. crossing over Weisendorfer Straße at Heusteg
At the Erlangen Heusteg bus stop, there is a bend in Weisendorfer Straße that is difficult to see without a safe crossing.
Chairwoman of the Erlangen Green Party, Dr. Marenbach:
Since Weisendorfer Straße is a state road, it is probably not possible to install push traffic lights there.
At the Erlangen Heusteg bus stop, a crossing over Weisendorfer Straße is to be created with a traffic light.
The motion is put to the vote and approved by a majority.
6. film by the Erlangen International Women's Group about everyday racism
The Erlangen International Women's Group has made a film about the experiences of Erlangen women with everyday racism.
The film by the Erlangen International Women's Group on the subject of everyday racism(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iIOMhGZtKc) is to be shown in the City Council, the Foreigners' and Integration Advisory Council and in interested schools in Erlangen.
The motion is put to the vote and approved by a majority.
7. cross-mentoring programCrossing over Weisendorfer Straße at Heusteg
A cross-mentoring program is to be created in the city of Erlangen for the exchange and networking of women.
Equal Opportunities Officer, Christina Nießen-Straube:
The Equal Opportunities Office supports this idea and takes it on board.
8. time of the meeting
Chairwoman of the Erlangen Green Party, Dr. Marenbach:
At what time and in which month should the next citizens' assembly take place?
8 p.m. is considered a good time. However, the time is a problem for childcare. It is suggested to offer the meeting earlier (6 p.m.) and with childcare or hybrid. It is also suggested that the desired time be requested via social networks.
9. better communication of the event
The advertising for the event did not reach many women (especially women in difficult life situations or women with a history of migration).
Chairwoman of the Erlangen Green Party, Dr. Marenbach:
How did those present find out about the event?
Those present found out about the event from various sources (Erlangen news, word of mouth, intranet of the city of Erlangen, event of the Erlangen International Women's Group, portal of the city of Erlangen).
Equal Opportunities Officer, Christina Nießen-Straube:
How can more women be reached?
It is suggested that posts be made on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Nebenan.de). The reasons for attending a citizens' assembly should be communicated. Posters in community centers and on city poster stands as well as direct contact with women's groups (e.g. for inclusion in their flyers or mailing lists) are also mentioned.
Officer for the Environment and Climate Protection, Ms. Bock:
Women multipliers can contact the Equal Opportunities Office for a contact.
10 Transparency
It is difficult to find applications submitted by citizens on the Internet. How can citizens view applications from previous citizens' or citizens' assemblies?
Environment and Climate Protection Officer, Ms. Bock:
The motions can all be found in the minutes of the meetings.
Chairwoman of the Erlangen Green Party, Dr. Marenbach:
The minutes of all committees can be found in the citizens' portal of the City of Erlangen(https://ratsinfo.erlangen.de/info.asp). Consideration is being given to how the site can be better designed.
A separate page should be set up on the City of Erlangen's website where all motions submitted at citizens' meetings, district and local advisory council meetings can be found. The topic and date of the motion should be noted there.
The motion is put to the vote and approved by a majority.
11 Motions
Is a motion strengthened if it is submitted twice? Are the motions from the Citizens' Assembly and the Citizens' Assembly considered together?
Officer for the Environment and Climate Protection, Ms. Bock:
Motions are not strengthened if they are submitted twice. Motions should be submitted in advance, but only become valid and forwarded to the relevant bodies once a majority of the assembly has passed a resolution.
12. existence of the citizens' assembly
How long has the Citizens' Assembly in Erlangen been in existence and how did it come about?
Dr. Marenbach, Chairwoman of the Erlangen Green Party:
The Citizens' Assembly is enshrined in the City of Erlangen's rules of procedure. It has existed since around the mid-1980s.
It was fought for by women.
13th film screening
The film "Istanbul Convention: the forgotten law" by the International Women's Group Erlangen will be shown on 25.11.2023 in the E-Werk.
After there were no more requests to speak, Dr. Birgit Marenbach closed the citizens' assembly at 9:29 p.m. and thanked the citizens for the discussion and for their commitment.
on behalf of
Equal Opportunities Office
Equal Opportunities Office
Additional individual appointments