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Caritas Erlangen

Stand: 28.05.2024

Together, the Social Counseling and Debt Counseling Center, the Social Psychiatric Service and the Educational, Youth and Family Counseling Center offer a wide range of services. The association also includes a large number of facilities that offer you help and support in every situation.

Solidarity, charity and helping people to help themselves are at the forefront of our advisory services. We always focus on people and their needs. The services are available to everyone, regardless of nationality or religious denomination. Counseling is free of charge and our staff are bound by confidentiality. We offer an open and competent discussion atmosphere.

Counseling topics and services

  • General social counseling
  • Debtor and insolvency counseling
  • Refugee and integration counseling
  • Social psychiatric service
  • Gerontopsychiatric counseling
  • Educational, youth and family counseling
  • Supervised children's playgroup HerzoMäuse
  • Caritas Boutique
  • Treff day care center
  • Long-term care facility Bernhard-Rüther-Haus
  • Roncallistift assisted living and nursing home
  • Outpatient care service
  • Day care

Further information and contact:

Caritas Erlangen