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Opportunity 8.9.Plus

Stand: 28.05.2024

Individual support in Büchenbach, Bruck and Anger

"Chance 8.9.Plus" is aimed at young people from the Büchenbach, Anger and Bruck districts who are in the 8th and 9th grades and have increased (educational) support and assistance needs, but who do not receive or actively take advantage of the appropriate educational or personal support in any other institution.

The "Plus" in the offer stands for:

  • Young people in year 10 and above,
  • Participants in vocational measures,
  • school support for trainees and external school leavers,
  • Young people looking for a job.

Counseling topics and services

  • School-leaving qualifications / school career issues
  • Paths after school
  • Dropping out (school, training)
  • Graduation (training)
  • Career entry
  • Job applications / job fairs
  • Skills development

You can find more information on the provider's homepage:

Contact details and further information