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Commedia dell'arte figures are dismantled

Stand: 11.07.2024

For twenty years, the five lightweight concrete figures stood at the corner of Güterhallenstraße and Goethestraße and looked out over the intersection - now the figures are being dismantled.

The painter and sculptor Thomas Richter was inspired by characters from the commedia dell'arte for his work of art. Harlequin, Pulcinella and the Doctor, Brigella and the Policeman form the quintet, which now, after twenty years and a restoration that has already taken place, has become so outdated that its stability is no longer guaranteed. Not only are the limbs of the figures crumbling, the concrete is even disintegrating in places. Therefore, after consultation with the Theater Fifty Fifty e. V., on whose initiative the artwork was erected at the time, they will now be removed. "When material fatigue sets in so clearly, the time for a work of art in a public space comes to an end," explains Anne Reimann, Head of the Cultural Office and generally responsible for art in public spaces in the city of Erlangen.
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