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The contributions of the citizens of Erlangen

Stand: 20.06.2024

You can compile your personal climate protection contribution online and confirm the Climate City Contract with your (digital) signature.

Together for a climate-neutral Erlangen!

We are actively shaping the climate transition in Erlangen.
We are proving that many small contributions can achieve great things together

With our participation, we are setting an example for courageous climate protection - become part of the city contract!

The Citizens' Council has drawn up a civic contribution with which they would like to provide Erlangen's citizens with guidance and inspiration on how to implement climate action in everyday life.

In the city contract, you can indicate how you would like to protect the climate now or in the future and thus make a personal contribution to Climate Awakening. You can select as many measures as you like. The suggestions of the Citizens' Council, a committee of 25 randomly drawn citizens, serve as a guide. In 2022, the Citizens' Council developed possible courses of action for the areas of housing, energy, mobility, food and consumption.

Simply tick the suggestions that you would like to implement today or in the future.

Sign the city contract now

You have already signed:

F. Janik; Dieter Hummel; M. Hundhausen; B. Fuchs; E. Linhart; Rainer Hartmann; Marc Urban; Ingrid Pieper; P. Guter; Barbara Pfister; B. Marenbach: Herbert R., city center; Felix Rost, Erlangen East; Andreas Ahlborn, Alterlangen; Birgit R., Erlangen East; Anonymous, City Center; Anonymous, Möhrendorf; Isabel Wais, City Center; Anonymous, Erlangen East; Anonymous, Büchenbach ; Anja Kunze, Alterlangen ; Anonymous, Büchenbach ; Franziska, M. City Center; Florian S., Innenstadt; Colleen Schurig, Innenstadt; Anonymous, Tennenlohe; Katharina T., Innenstadt; Anonymous, n.a.; Andreas U., Erlangen Süd; Victoria K., Sieglitzhof; Johannes W., Röttenbach; Anonymous, Erlangen East; Luisa B., Alterlangen; Anonymous, Tennenlohe; Nicole E., Alterlangen; Gerhard Steeger, Erlangen Burgberg; Sibylle Petsch, Büchenbach; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Wolfgang Niclas, Schallershof; Bettina S., Büchenbach; Andreas V., city center; Alex R., Alterlangen; Anonymous, Nuremberg; Anonymous, city center; Minal Bombatkar, Anger/Bruck; Max Distel, city center; Franziska P., city center; Carolin H., Tennenlohe; Ignacio Ugarte, city center; Pascal Fischer, city center; Johannes K., city center; Helmut Wank, Dechsendorf; Anonymous, Nuremberg; Daniela Jacob, Anger/Bruck; Martin L., Büchenbach; Anonymous, Alterlangen; Hedwig S. , city center; Anonymous, Spardorf; Anonymous, Erlangen Süd; Anonymous, Alterlangen; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Alterlangen; Anonymous, city center; Helena P., city center; Sabine Bock, city center; Gerd Worm, Anger/Bruck; Diana K., Alterlangen; Christine A., City center; Vera G., district of ERH; Janina Baumbauer, Alterlangen; Axel Maier, Erlangen East; Benjamin Förtsch, city center; Karina B., city center; Paul Spalek, Erlangen East; Marko K., Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Erlangen East; Chloé H., Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, city center; Anonymous, city center; Jonas Schöller, Büchenbach; Anonymous, city center; Anonymous, Fürth; Anonymous, Erlangen North; Volker Braun, Erlangen East; Anonymous, Erlangen East; Roland Streidl, Büchenbach, Anonymous, Erlangen South; Hubert Schleippmann, Kriegenbrunn; Jörn Paessler, Innenstadt; Bettina Kottre, Dechsendorf; Elke Gleißner; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous; Stefan Strasser, Kriegenbrunn; Michael Dürr, Erlangen Ost; Werner Fiedler, Erlangen Ost; Silke Berghold, Anger/Bruck; Christian Sauter, Anger/Bruck; Lisa Rettelbach, Kosbach/Häusling/Steudach; Anonymous, Kriegenbrunn; Dinah Radtke, city center; Johanna, Anger/Bruck; Anonymous, city center; Anonymous, city center; Hajo, Erlangen East; Anja Nagengast; Anonymous; Petra Streine, city center; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous; Simon Kippenberg, city center; Anonymous; Andreas Richter, Erlangen South; Anonymous, city center