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The world at its zenith

Stand: 28.05.2024

Word-music collage with Grupo Sal and Patricia Gualinga on 26.05.2022 at the Kulturzentrum E-Werk

Thursday, 26.05.2022, 19:30, Kulturzentrum E-Werk, Clubbühne (Fuchsenwiese 1, 91054 Erlangen), admission 15,- € / reduced 8,- €, advance booking at Erlangen Ticket (plus fees)

With Grupo Sal (music from Latin America), Patricia Gualinga (spokesperson for the indigenous Kichwa community Sarayaku - connected live via video), Laura Rupp (moderator)

"While others have had to give up, Sarayaku will never give up," said Patricia Gualinga, spokesperson for the indigenous Kichwa community of Sarayaku, in an interview with Amazon Watch in 2013. The community has long been waging a successful struggle against the encroachment of international oil companies into their territory, gaining worldwide recognition in the process. The story of Sarayaku and many other indigenous communities shows radical alternatives to today's destructive ways of life and economy. Patricia Gualinga fights for a territory and for a life in harmony with nature and places this struggle in the context of international efforts to create a sustainable future. With their struggles, the indigenous communities protect the integrity of the rainforests and ecosystems, fully aware that they are doing it for the whole of humanity and for future generations - often at the risk of their lives. This makes it all the more sensible to integrate their efforts more strongly internationally, to formulate new common goals and to design more effective strategies in the search for radical alternatives to development models that are fixated on economic growth. The preservation of traditions and rich cultural identities, as well as Sarayaku's own self-determined bridge-building into so-called modernity, opens up the possibility of a creative, necessary dialog at a time when the world is at a crossroads. Patricia Gualinga's women-specific perspective as a spokeswoman for her people and also as a role model for many women in the defense of the rainforest is of particular importance. The Latin American scholar Laura Rupp will guide us through the evening as moderator and translator in dialog with Patricia Gualinga, drawing on her in-depth expertise and extensive experience in Latin America. Her political and professional input enriches the debate, which also includes interactive elements with the audience. Patricia Gualinga's stories and reports are combined with the passionate music of Grupo Sal to create a collage that informs, questions, touches and moves. The interplay of music and report, song and conversation creates a special, unforgettable and captivating atmosphere. Online advance booking (plus fees) at: https://e-werk.reservix.de/p/reservix/event/1757080

The venue is wheelchair accessible. If you require further assistance due to a disability, please contact us in good time: staedtepartnerschaften@stadt.erlangen.de

An event organized by the Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity / International Relations of the City of Erlangen and the Weltladen Erlangen in cooperation with the vhs Erlangen. Supported by: Katholischer Fonds, Mission Eine Welt, Engagement Global with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and Climate Alliance.