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Digital bonus
Stand: 28.10.2024
With the Digitalbonus funding program, the Free State of Bavaria supports small companies in equipping themselves for the challenges of the digital world. The digital bonus makes it possible to digitize hardware and software and improve IT security.
- Services from external providers for hardware and software
- Investments in digital technologies and associated processes
- Internal and external networking of the company (sensor technology, IT security, cloud solutions, merchandise management systems, etc.)
Not eligible for funding
- Standard websites/ webshops
- Standard online marketing measures (email marketing, newsletters, etc.)
- Standard software/hardware (e-mail, operating systems, PC, laptop, telephone system)
- Server hardware
- Replacement purchases
- Devices/ systems/ machines for automation
- Legally binding measures
- Measures under 4000€
- Small commercial enterprises with a permanent establishment in Bavaria
- Companies with fewer than 50 employees or an annual balance sheet total of max. €10 million
- Grant of up to €7,500
- The funding rate is up to 50% of the eligible expenditure
- Applies to measures of min. €4,000 and max. €150,000