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Sustainable shopping in the region

Stand: 28.05.2024

Direct marketer brochure from the city and district

"Fresh from the farm!" is written in bold letters on the wooden sign that adorns the cover of the direct marketer brochure of the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt and the city of Erlangen. Over 60 direct marketers from the region present their products on 32 pages.

And they don't just mean eggs, milk, pasta or firewood: at the adventure farms in the city and district, interested parties can see the goods before they arrive in the store, try out a milk filling station at other direct marketers or take a carriage ride with the family.

In addition to a quick overview of the products and suppliers, the brochure also lists the most common food labels. "Buying regional, seasonal and sustainably produced products promotes the local economy and helps to maintain and create new jobs in our region," says District Administrator Tritthart. Bock draws attention to the importance of regional purchasing for environmental protection: "Above all, regional food scores points for freshness, high quality and short transportation routes. Food imported from distant countries, on the other hand, requires a lot of energy and therefore has a greater impact on the climate than local produce."

Anyone interested can pick up the free brochure at the Erlangen-Höchstadt district office in Erlangen, at the Höchstadt office and at Erlangen town hall. Alternatively, there is also an online version. For further information or support, please contact us at nachhaltigkeit@stadt.erlangen.de.

Climate Protection and Sustainability Department


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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