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Objections from the Senior Citizens' Advisory Council - Parking

Stand: 28.05.2024

Statement on the processing of the SBE application "Parking regulation"

Back in September 2022, the Seniors' Advisory Council submitted a request for a report on the removal of parking regulations on sidewalks. In the processing of the report request, the administration let it be known that it does not attach "any priority" to the withdrawal of parking regulations in the city center and will not be able to do so in the future.

The Working Committee and the Mobility Working Group of the Senior Citizens' Advisory Council as well as the Center for Self-Determined Living for the Disabled Erlangen e.V. (ZSL) strongly opposed this.

The committee once again highlighted the dangers that wheelchair users in particular are confronted with if the sidewalks are too narrow. But families with baby carriages, people with walking frames and the visually impaired also encounter the same problem. In the meantime, the situation has even worsened because the sidewalks are now also narrowed by scooters parked illegally, the fleet of which was recently expanded in the city area by the vehicles of the company "Lime".

We very much welcome the fact that parking regulations are to be withdrawn in Anlagenstraße. However, nothing has happened to date.

However, we expect that the issue will not simply be closed and that the places in the city where the sidewalk width is too narrow will be tackled successively.