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Erlangen Fairtrade Town

Stand: 28.05.2024

The city of Erlangen has long been committed to sustainable and fair trade and has now been recognized as a Fairtrade Town for the fourth time.

The confirmation of the award underlines the sustainable anchoring of fair trade in Erlangen. Fair trade refers to all products and productions that meet the guidelines of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International. Fair trade products are now offered in many Erlangen companies, stores and restaurants. Local players from politics, civil society and business are working closely together towards a common goal.

Erlangen was first awarded the "Fairtrade Town" award by FAIRTRADE DEUTSCHLAND in 2012 for this outstanding and sustainable commitment. This title has now been awarded for a further two years. Because the commitment to fair trade continues.

The commitment in Erlangen is multifaceted: the "Stattplan" shows where you can shop fairly in Erlangen; the Friedrich-Alexander University has now been awarded the title of "Fair Trade University"; gift baskets with fair products for various occasions are on offer and schools and municipal facilities are only to purchase fairly produced balls following a city council resolution.

The Fairtrade Towns campaign also offers Erlangen concrete options for action to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted in 2015. Under the motto "think globally, act locally", the city is making an important contribution to this with its commitment.

Find out more about the Fairtrade city of Erlangen


Fair gift baskets in the Fairtrade city of Erlangen

As the 100th Fairtrade city, Erlangen has been very active in supporting and spreading fair trade since 2012. The city council has also committed to offering at least two fair trade products, which it does very successfully. Fair coffee, chocolate, tea, juices etc. are now standard in the town hall.