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Erlangen Bergkirchweih 2025 - Application

Stand: 08.07.2024


270th Erlangen Bergkirchweih

June 05 to June 16, 2025

The traditional Erlangen Bergkirchweih is one of the largest and most beautiful Whitsun folk festivals in Germany. Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors celebrate carefree in the beer cellars under old trees and enjoy the family-friendly offerings of the showmen and women.

When it comes to food of all kinds, the city of Erlangen is increasingly focusing on organic, vegan and vegetarian options from the region.

Applications for admission to the 270th Erlangen Bergkirchweih must be submitted to the City of Erlangen, Liegenschaftsamt, Rathausplatz 1, 91052 Erlangen by October 15, 2024 at the latest, using the application form provided and all supplementary documents.

The form can be found at www.erlangen.de/bergkirchweih

Applications received by the City of Erlangen after the deadline cannot be considered in the selection process. The receipt of applications will not be confirmed.
Please refrain from making personal appearances.

The application does not constitute a claim to admission or to a specific place.