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Bicycle city map

Stand: 28.05.2024

All information about the bicycle city map

The bicycle city map reflects Erlangen's rich cycling tradition and is intended to encourage road users to use bicycles as an environmentally friendly means of everyday transportation in a variety of ways. In particular, the new edition refers to the offer of free rental of various types of transport bikes. In the recent past, parts of the pedestrian zone in Erlangen have been opened up to cyclists - in some cases for a limited time -, a number of one-way streets have been opened up to cyclists in the opposite direction, eight cycle lanes have now been designated and recommended main and green routes have been signposted. The city map for cyclists takes up these aspects and also provides information on cycle paths that must and must not be used.

In the new edition, important cycle path connections have been highlighted, which are divided into one-way or two-way cycle paths, paths without cycle traffic facilities via predominantly quiet side streets and unpaved paths. The depiction of speed-reduced zones and traffic-calmed areas shows a large number of streets and paths that are pleasant to cycle on. The map also marks stairways, bicycle parking spaces, rental points for transport bikes and the station for linking various mobility options, the so-called Mobilpunkt.

The bicycle city map is designed in a handy pocket format so that it can be carried at all times to save space when cycling. It also provides assistance for displaying cycle routes on smartphones.

The cycle city map is reissued every two years. The map is now available at a single price of € 3.00 at the information desk of the Erlangen Citizens' Office in the town hall, at the tourist information office of the Erlangen Tourism and Marketing Association, in local bookshops and in the ADFC offices.

Department of Geodata and Land Management


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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