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Vacation care NatureExperienceWeeks

Stand: 20.06.2024

The Erlangen Environmental Agency regularly offers nature experience vacation care weeks during the Bavarian school vacations (Monday-Friday) from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The exact dates can be found in the brochure or on the website of the Erlangen Family Alliance: https://erlanger-familienbuendnis.de/ferienbetreuung/.

The Erlangen Environmental Agency regularly offers nature experience vacation care weeks during the Bavarian school vacations (1st week of the Whitsun and 1st week of the summer holidays, Monday/Tuesday-Friday) from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The exact dates can be found in the brochure in the download area or on the Erlangen Family Alliance website: https://erlanger-familienbuendnis.de/ferienbetreuung/. A maximum of 20 children aged 8 to 12 years (2024) or 7 to 11 years (2025) can take part. The offer is geared towards both leisure and environmental education; for the participating children, the recreational character of the vacations should go hand in hand with educational units on sustainability. Strengthening social interaction is just as much a part of the vacation offer as the content:

The "Planet A-Camp" nature experience weeks offer a week of fun in and with nature. The children can expect a variety of nature-related activities in the garden, at the pond, in the forest and much more. In games and creative workshops, there is time for shared experiences, imagination and skill. Together with two experienced environmental educators and external experts, we also want to experience nature, get to know animals and try out ideas for sustainability. The NatureExperienceWeek is aimed at anyone who wants to be outdoors, is interested in our environment and would like to experience an adventurous vacation week in the Bruck community garden and on short excursions.

You can register for the Whitsun vacation week directly at the Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues. You will also receive all information about the program and the registration form on request. The registration deadline is the last Friday before the respective vacation week, 12 noon, places are allocated according to the time of registration; once all places have been allocated, no further admissions are possible.

In summer, please book in good time (approx. end of June / Whitsun vacations) via the Kinderkulturbüro at ferienprogramm-erlangen.de.

The participation fee per child and week is 100 euros (or 80 euros for 4 days) including supervision, partial board (organic breakfast), materials, entrance fees and travel costs if applicable. If the criteria of the Erlangen Alliance for Families apply, the price is reduced by 10 euros/day/child. Holders of the ErlangenPass receive a reduction of 15 euros/day/child (50% in summer) on presentation of a copy of their passport.

The place of care is the Kulturpunkt Bruck (community garden UnserGarten Bruck), Fröbelstraße 6, 91058 Erlangen. Excursions are planned with varying places of arrival and departure.

The Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues is a cooperation partner of the Erlangen Alliance for Families and the ErlangenPass. The vacation care also takes place in cooperation with Kulturpunkt Bruck.

Dept. of Environmental Education


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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