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10th correction of the land use plan

Stand: 28.05.2024

- Häusling sub-area -

The 2003 land use plan with integrated landscape plan was amended in accordance with § 13b in conjunction with § 13a para. § Section 13a (2) no. 2 of the German Building Code (BauGB) by way of a correction to BP no. 469 - Häusling Nord.

The 10th correction of the land use plan with integrated landscape plan 2003 was published on 13.01.2022 in accordance with Section 6 (5) sentence 2 BauGB with BP No. 469 - Häusling Nord - and has been effective since this date.

Reference to legal consequences has been made in accordance with Section 215 (2) BauGB.

In contrast to the correction, a residential area is shown instead of arable land.