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Training program for the City Youth Welfare Office 2024

Stand: 21.06.2024

The further training program of the City Youth Welfare Office includes courses for employees of the City Youth Welfare Office in various areas of work as well as for employees of independent daycare facilities.

One focus of the program is to understand and deal with the stress experienced by children and young people after the difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic.
This also requires positive teamwork - there are also two training courses on this topic in the program.

The training courses are aimed at employees of the City Youth Welfare Office. The training courses for daycare centers can be booked by employees of both municipal daycare centers and independent providers.

All training courses are free of charge.

Training program for the City Youth Welfare Office 2024

pdf, 598 KB, Training program for daycare centers, Training courses offered by the City Youth Welfare Office 2024
