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Nutrition Forum

Stand: 28.05.2024

The current food system contributes 25% to global warming due to its high greenhouse gas emissions. The limits of our planet's sustainably available resources are exceeded many times over by this food system.

The Forum Ernährung is a working group of Erlangen citizens who are pursuing the goal of advancing the food transition in Erlangen:

The aim is to establish a food system in Erlangen that is oriented towards the common good and prioritizes seasonal and regional food from fair and organic production. For health, climate protection and animal welfare reasons, reducing the consumption of meat and other animal products also plays an important role here.

Achieving a food transition requires stakeholders from all areas: the public sector, all participants in the production chain from producers to retailers and consumers.

The Food Forum meets every two months (always in the odd-numbered months) at 5 p.m. in the Lesecafé, Hauptstraße 55 (Altstadtmarktpassage).

Anyone interested in participating is very welcome.