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Stand: 11.06.2024

What will change as a result of the new waste management statutes? Answer from Mayor Jörg Volleth:

"At its May meeting, the city council adopted a new waste management statute. The last amendment was made in 2016, in which the municipality obliges its citizens to avoid and separate waste. The amount of waste is to be kept as low as possible by avoiding, reusing, recycling and otherwise recovering waste. The city has the task of advising citizens, businesses and other economic and public institutions on ways to avoid, recycle and dispose of waste. One new feature, for example, is that two neighboring property owners can share a residual waste garbage can with separate containers for recyclable materials or that several people who are obliged to connect can share a residual waste garbage can and containers for recyclable materials. The topic of compostable organic waste bags is also new. The use of plastic waste bags, even if they are labeled as compostable, will no longer be permitted in future. The reason: although compostable organic waste bags decompose, they do so far too slowly for the composting plants. As a result, these small-sized flat films have to be separated out in the composting plant, which is very laborious and costly. In addition, they are often indistinguishable from normal plastic bags, which increases the amount of foreign matter in the organic waste."

(From the city newspaper "Rathausplatz 1" - June 2024 issue)

Portraitfoto von Bürgermeister Jörg Volleth
Mayor Jörg Volleth (Photo: private)

Waste management, street cleaning and winter services department


Stintzingstraße 46
91052 Erlangen


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