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Umbrella organization of Bavarian youth representatives founded

Stand: 28.05.2024

Over 45 delegates from 26 youth representations came together in Ingolstadt on March 19, 2022 for the official founding of the association "Dachverband der bayerischen Jugendvertretungen" (DVBJ). Second Chairman Fynn Geifes attended on behalf of the Youth Parliament.

Together with the first chairwoman Emilia Kindler, he acts as a delegate and represents the youth parliament of the city of Erlangen. Fynn Geifes: "With the founding of the DVBJ, we have set a milestone for youth representation in Bavaria. At the congress, it once again became clear how much overlap there is between the various participation formats. Thanks to the DVBJ, we will now be able to network better and manage joint projects, as the umbrella organization will also provide technical support as a strong point of contact. In Ingolstadt, we delegates gave space to something that has been happening for far too long and far too little: cooperation, exchange and solidarity among the interest groups representing young people in Bavaria. I am delighted for the Erlangen Youth Parliament and personally to be part of this wonderful project, and I am absolutely convinced that we have started a great success story here."

The aims of the DVBJ will be to promote more forms of participation for young people in all municipalities in Bavaria, to network among existing youth representatives and, above all, to facilitate and exchange more joint projects and ideas. As a joint platform, the participating youth representatives want to speak with a strong voice and boldly demand the interests of young people from the Free State in state and federal politics in the future.