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"Climate emergency" baseline study (2020)

Stand: 28.05.2024

The scientifically compiled "Climate Emergency Baseline Study" is now available to the public. It was commissioned by the city of Erlangen and is intended to serve as a starting point for future measures to tackle the climate emergency.

The Huguenot City broke new ground in many respects when it declared a climate emergency. The commissioned study "Climate Emergency" shows initial ways in which this Herculean task can be mastered. Sitting out the crisis is not an option, as the study makes clear. Current findings from climate research clearly indicate that people's actions are well on the way to destroying their livelihoods in the long term. Although the study emphasizes that the city of Erlangen does not have a blind spot in any field of action, climate protection measures on an "unprecedented scale" will also be necessary in Erlangen by the end of 2020. A fundamental change is necessary, which can only be achieved together with the citizens of Erlangen, economic players and civil society initiatives. The study therefore focuses on potential participation structures in order to develop a shared vision for a solidary and climate-friendly Erlangen - which should be lived by the city's society in the future. The study proposes a large number of possible measures, but these will only be adapted to local specifics in a future step.

Over the next few months, political representatives in the city's committees will discuss how a radical reduction in greenhouse gases can be achieved in the shortest possible time in order to meet the 1.5°C target of the Paris Climate Agreement at city level.