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Hartwich-Düfel receives culture prize

Stand: 06.06.2024

Among other things, making music together with amateurs and civic engagement are close to her heart.

The city council follows the recommendation of the Cultural Advisory Board and awards the 2024 Culture Prize to church musician and harpsichordist Susanne Hartwich-Düfel. The award recognizes a musician whose innovative and interdisciplinary concept of church music brings together different generations and milieus, according to the Cultural Advisory Board's statement.

After studying church music (organ and harpsichord) at the University of Music in Munich, Hartwich-Düfel worked in Nuremberg for a long time. Since 2015, she has been the deanery cantor responsible for church music at St. Matthäus in Erlangen. There, she curates a diverse, interdisciplinary concert program that goes far beyond themes of faith. In addition to working with professional musicians, making music together with amateurs and civic engagement are matters close to her heart. Under her direction, fundraising events have been held, for example, in aid of the Erlangen food bank, for the new organ at St. Matthew's, during the Corona period and in the context of Erlangen's partnership work.

The City of Erlangen Culture Prize is awarded every two years. It is endowed with 10,000 euros. The prize is awarded to Hartwich-Düfel at a ceremony during the year.

Cultural Office

Under the umbrella of the Department of Culture are

  • the major festivals (Erlangen International Comic Salon, international figuren.theater.festival, Erlangen Poetry Festival)
  • the Department of Fine Arts, Kunstpalais and Municipal Collection
  • the Singing and Music School
  • the Youth Art School / the Children's Culture Office

The Cultural Office is also responsible for the management of the Erlangen Art Commission.

You can find more information on the websites:

Head of the Cultural Office: Anne Reimann


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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