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Midwifery center

Stand: 28.05.2024

Looking for a midwife? Then you've come to the right place at Hebammenzentrale.

Looking for a midwife? Then you've come to the right place at Hebammenzentrale.

Midwives support you during pregnancy, during and after the birth. They offer birth preparation courses and postnatal courses. These services are paid for by health insurance companies and are free of charge for pregnant women and families with newborns.
We midwives from the city of Erlangen and the district of Erlangen-Höchstadt have organized ourselves together in the Midwives' Centre to help women find a midwife more easily. Together we also offer on-call services for women who have not yet found a midwife.
Please feel free to contact us:

Midwife Center Erlangen

You need a midwife for pre- or postnatal care? Then get in contact with us.

Midwives accompany births and women in pre- and postnatal care. They also offer a wide range of services like birthing classes or postnatal classes. Those midwifery services are financed by the statutory health insurance funds. Privately insured persons should inform themselves, which costs for a midwife are covered by their health insurance fund.
All midwives, who work in pre- and postnatal care have found the Hebammenzentrale together, so that families can find their midwife easily. Together we also offer a so-called "Midwife-On-Call-Service" for women, who have not found a midwife yet.
Get in contact with us:

Midwife Center Erlangen