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Immission control; Heating - but the right way!

Stand: 28.05.2024

Heating with wood can produce air pollutants and odors that are harmful to the neighborhood and the environment. The Federal Environment Agency's brochure "Heating with wood" advises against burning wood in small combustion plants. One of the main reasons for this is that the limited resource of wood should be used as a material in durable consumer goods (e.g. for furniture) wherever possible and that more climate and environmentally friendly alternatives are available for space heating (e.g. heat pumps and solar thermal energy).

If wood is nevertheless burned in small combustion plants, it should be done with as few pollutants and emissions as possible and with a high degree of efficiency. If you have any questions about heating with wood, your chimney sweep will be able to advise you.

Before deciding on a heating system, the energy requirement should be reduced, for example through thermal insulation measures. Further information on heat pumps and a modernization guide can be found on the website of the Federal Environment Agency.

Service, Agenda, Agenda 21, Nature and labeling of the qualities of fuels, Biomass; rapeseed oil; wood chips; energy crops; wood utilization; waste wood, biomass regulation, Manure, EEWärmeG, Energy Tax Act; EnergieStG, Renewable energies, Renewable Energy Sources Act; EGG, Wood scraps, Immission Control Act, Sewage sludge, Foliage, sustainable, Sustainability, regenerative raw materials, Environmental protection, Ordinance on small and medium-sized combustion plants - 1. BImSchV, heat law

Energy use of renewable raw materials; information and advice

The use of renewable raw materials such as wood, energy crops and crop residues makes an important contribution to achieving the goals of energy policy, climate protection and resource conservation.

Immission control management


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91052 Erlangen


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