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FAU Information and Counseling Center

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Information and Advice Center for Study Design and Career Service at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (IBZ) is the first point of contact for all issues relating to the start of your studies.

The staff provide information on study options and subject combinations, admission regulations and application procedures, as well as on course design and examination requirements. The IBZ is also the right place to go if you want to reorient yourself during your studies. In addition, the IBZ Career Service provides students and graduates with professional support in planning and implementing their career entry and future working life.

Counseling topics and services

  • School-leaving qualifications / school career questions
  • Paths after school
  • Dropping out (studies)
  • Graduation (studies)
  • Initial training
  • Internship
  • Funding opportunities (training, studies)
  • Degree course
  • Dual study program
  • Career entry
  • Professional (re)orientation
  • Job application
  • Inclusion
  • Financing options

Further information and contact: