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Nuremberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Middle Franconia

Stand: 28.05.2024

In the area of vocational training, IHK training advisors are available to companies and private individuals for all questions relating to vocational training and further education.

The IHK Nuremberg for Middle Franconia is a business development organization. As an independent self-organization of the economy, it provides numerous services for its members, the state and the region. All commercial enterprises - whether industrial, commercial or service companies - are members of the IHK by law. This makes the IHK a strong community of solidarity.

Consulting topics and services

  • Advice for companies, trainees, applicants, parents, institutions, etc. on all aspects of vocational training
  • Advice for companies and individuals on further vocational training
  • Initial training / vocational orientation
  • Entry qualification
  • Dual studies / combined studies
  • Advice for people dropping out of training and studies
  • Part-time vocational training
  • Catching up on vocational qualifications: External examination
  • Retraining, partial qualification
  • Integration of refugees
  • Funding opportunities (training, further vocational training)
  • IHK training exchanges and speed dating
  • Recognition of foreign professional qualifications
  • Setting up a business
  • Skills assessment

Further information and contact:

IHK Nuremberg