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School registration

Stand: 20.02.2025

All children who reach the age of six on September 30 of the calendar year are required to attend school. The children must be registered at the elementary school in whose school district they reside.

School registration takes place every year in March. The elementary school responsible informs the parents/guardians of the exact date and the personal appointment directly or via the daycare centers.

School registration is compulsory

Parents/guardians are requested to register their school-age children for school attendance on the day set for school enrollment. All children who have reached the age of six on September 30 of the calendar year are required to attend school.

Children must be enrolledat the elementary school in whose school district they reside . This also applies if, for compelling personal reasons, attendance at another elementary school (with a so-called guest school application) or a deferral from attending the elementary school is to be applied for. Guest school applications should be submitted on the day of school registration. Guest school applications that are submitted to the school after this date can only be considered if it is a new arrival.

Children who were deferred in the previous year must be re-registered on presentation of the deferral notice.

We also refer to the school regulations for elementary school in Bavaria, § 2 paragraph 3 sentence 5 and following. This states, among other things: "The school may require participation in a procedure to determine school readiness." (sentence 5)

Legal guardians can be fined if they negligently or deliberately fail to register a child of compulsory school age without good reason.

Children who turn six between July 1 and September 30 are in the school enrollment corridor. The start of compulsory schooling can be postponed by one year for these children.

Children in the enrolment corridor go through the registration and enrolment process at elementary school in the same way as all other children. Based on the findings, the school advises the parents and makes a recommendation.

The elementary school's assessment provides parents and guardians with important information about the child's level of development, any need for support and the support options available at the school. The assessments already provided by the daycare center and the school entry examination by the health department are thus supplemented from a school perspective.

Parents/guardians must inform the elementary school in writing by April 10 of their decision to enrol their child in school one year later.

School admission on application

Children born between October 1 and December 31 and who will turn six in the year of enrolment can be enrolled at the request of their parents. In cases of doubt, the school will check whether the child is fit to attend school.

In exceptional cases, children born after January 1st and who will turn six in the school year in which they start school can also be enrolled at the request of their parents or guardians. In this case, a school psychologist's report is mandatory.

School medical examinations in advance

  • The school entrance examination is carried out at the Erlangen-Höchstadt health department. Parents/guardians receive a personal invitation letter for this.
  • The school entrance examination is required by law and is therefore mandatory for all future first-graders. It serves to determine the child's level of development, particularly with regard to school attendance.
  • A certificate is then issued by the state health authority. This confirmation must be presented when registering for school.

The day of school registration

Parents/guardians must come to the respective school with their children. If they are unable to do so, they should authorize a representative to bring the children to school registration. Children who are accommodated in a home can be registered by the head of the home.

The following must be brought along

  • the birth certificate
  • Passport for foreign children
  • Confirmation from the health department for submission to the school
  • Possibly documents concerning right of residence and/or custody

School registration at a special school

Children who are unlikely to be able to actively participate in lessons at an elementary school due to special educational needs or a disability can be enrolled at a public or private special school. Advice and the preparation of any necessary special educational assessment is provided by the head teachers of the special education centers in Erlangen.

Elementary school in the city of Erlangen
Adalbert-Stifter-Grundschule Erlangen, Sieglitzhofer Str. 6
Erlangen elementary school - An der Brucker Lache, Zeißstr. 51
Max-und-Justine-Elsner-Grundschule Erlangen-Bruck, Sandbergstr. 5
Primary School Erlangen-Büchenbach, Dorfstr. 21
Erlangen-Dechsendorf Primary School, Campingstr. 32
Primary School Erlangen-Eltersdorf, Tucherstr. 16
Primary School Erlangen-Frauenaurach, Keplerstr. 1
Heinrich Kirchner Primary School Erlangen, Dompropststr. 6
Hermann-Hedenus-Primary School Erlangen, Schallershofer Str. 20
Loschge Primary School Erlangen, Loschgestr. 10
Michael Poeschke Primary School Erlangen, Liegnitzer Str. 22
Pestalozzi Primary School Erlangen, Pestalozzistr. 1
Erlangen-Tennenlohe elementary school, Enggleis 6
Friedrich-Rückert-Primary School Erlangen, Ohmplatz 2
Erlangen-Mönauschule elementary school, Steigerwaldallee 19

Support centers in the city of Erlangen
Otfried-Preußler-School, special educational support center Erlangen, Liegnitzer Str. 24
Georg-Zahn-Schule, special education center with a focus on mental development, Schenkstr. 113

Schoolchildren in the classroom.
Page, School, Grammar school, Elementary school, Middle school, Elementary school, Secondary school, Secondary school, Comprehensive school, Schools, Children, EDUCATION, Parents & children


What schools are there in Erlangen? And which school is the right one for my child? You can find the answers here.

School administration office

Head of office: Brigitte Bayer


Michael-Vogel-Straße 1d
91052 Erlangen


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