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Integrated climate protection concept (IKSK, 2016)

Stand: 28.05.2024

For the first time, such a comprehensive inventory with key figures was drawn up for climate protection in the Huguenot city, potential for further activities was analyzed and prioritized measures were identified.

Project status:

The presentation of the results took place on April 14 in the Passivhaus KiGa Stadtinsel. The results are summarized in the handout for download. The official long version of the IKSK is expected to be presented to the Environment, Transport and Planning Committee and the City Council in July and then submitted to the BMUB.

Our goal:

To work with you to develop a plan of action for the coming years to protect the climate in Erlangen and advance the energy transition. Existing climate protection activities will be networked and new fields of action identified by involving those already active in the areas of climate protection, energy transition and sustainability.


City of Erlangen, Office for Environmental Protection and Energy Issues, T. 09131-86 2935
Implementing office: Energievision Franken GmbH, Hainstraße 14, 96047 Bamberg, 0951-93290941,


On May 26, 2011, the Erlangen City Council unanimously decided that the energy transition should be implemented in Erlangen. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to consistently pursue the so-called "energy leap" in the private, public and commercial sectors: saving energy, especially in existing buildings, increasing the energy efficiency of technical devices and processes and expanding renewable energies.

The city of Erlangen has set itself the goal of generating half of its electricity requirements using highly efficient CHP plants and half from renewable energy sources by 2030. The heat supply is to be completely converted to renewable energies by 2050.

Numerous measures have already been implemented in recent years. On the municipal side, these include the networking of stakeholders through the Energy EfficiencyER steering group and the Energy Supply Working Group, the agreements on the Erlangen Climate Alliance, the promotion of eco-mobility (local public transport, cyclists, pedestrians), the refurbishment of municipal buildings and schools, the design of an energy-plus housing estate and free energy advice for citizens.

A coordinated and comprehensive strategy is necessary for the successful, long-term implementation of climate protection goals. This task is performed by the Integrated Climate Protection Concept (IKSK).

The IKSK serves as a municipal decision-making aid, links technical solutions with social issues and provides a starting point for campaigns and public relations work. The entire concept development process is accompanied by intensive stakeholder participation. This means that the Erlangen population, associations, initiatives, representatives from business and research are invited to develop measures and action steps together with the administration.

The climate protection concept includes the following core content:

  • Development of an updatable energy and CO2 balance sheet
  • Potential assessments to reduce CO2 emissions in the sectors of private households, trade, industry, municipal properties, transport and consumption
  • Development of a target group-specific catalog of measures with recommendations for action and information on implementation
  • Involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the creation of the ICSK
  • Development of a controlling concept
  • Creation of a concept for public relations work