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Stand: 28.05.2024

The objectives of urban renewal are derived from the analyzed deficiencies and deficits in the urban renewal area as part of detailed preparatory studies. In turn, the necessary urban development and other measures are derived from these. They are implemented in concrete terms via an integrated action plan.

With the Integrated Urban Development Concept (ISEK) for the south-east of Erlangen, the city of Erlangen aims to actively meet the growing challenges in this part of the city. Urban development, functional and social deficits and adaptation requirements are identified, strengths and opportunities are presented and, finally, concrete, long-term effective area-related solutions are proposed.

In addition, an ISEK is now a tried-and-tested instrument in urban renewal and a prerequisite for the funding of investment measures in the federal and state urban development funding programs. Enriched with current surveys and forecasts, goals were then formulated, priorities set and specific projects named in dialog with citizens, administration and politicians. The ISEK is intended to serve as a guide for the city administration, local stakeholders and political bodies for the development of this district over the next 10-15 years.

The analysis is divided into five central fields of action that have been identified for the Erlangen-Southeast area:

Urban renewal and urban design department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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